About 'CO-MAP'
What is 'CO-MAP'
It is a product that assists in visualizing and sharing "opinions and thoughts that everyone has". Have you ever wondered, "Who said which opinion?" when opinions were divided during discussions?
I think there are more than a few people who have wondered, "What are all the people who are not talking other than the speaker thinking?" CO-MAP was born to solve such problems.

Usefulness of CO-MAP
When multiple opinions come up in the discussion, you can use maps and frames to express how much you agree with which opinion. People participating in the discussion can always see who agrees with which opinion/idea.
In addition, because the frames are moved periodically during the procedure, it is possible to proceed with the discussion while visually confirming changes in opinions and ideas.

Items used in CO-MAP
- Main Map
- Double-sided design that allows you to choose between 2 or 3 options on the front and back. This is the main map of "CO-MAP" representative.
- Mini Maps x6
- It is a useful tool for alleviating conformity pressure in discussions.
This item will be distributed to everyone.
- Animal Pieces(Avatar)x6
- It is an alter ego that can express your opinion in the discussion by placing it on the main map.
This item will be distributed to everyone.
- Mini Pieces(Avatar)x6
- An avatar that allows you to express your opinion in a discussion by placing it on the minimap.
The role of this is similar to that of an animal piece, but it differs from an animal piece in that it is hidden in one's hand and placed so that it cannot be seen by others until it is disclosed.
This item will be distributed to everyone.
- Whiteboard and Pen
- In addition to writing the agenda, it is an item that allows you to check the contents of the meeting at any time by placing ABC cards and name tag plates filled out by everyone.
- walls x6
- This wall is placed to hide the mini-coma when placing them on the mini-map so that they cannot be seen by anyone other than yourself.
This item will be distributed to everyone.
- Name Tag Plate x6
- Each is a plate for writing your own name based on the animal you selected. You can use a nickname instead of your real name.
This item will be distributed to everyone.
- ABC Tags 1 set
- This item is placed on the whiteboard to assist in filling in options for discussion topics.
*Do not use C cards when you have two choices.
- Rulebook x6
- This is a "CO-MAP" instruction manual that describes the progress of the game in detail.
This item will be distributed to everyone.
The purpose of CO-MAP and the origin of the name
It was devised, designed and produced to achieve the purpose of alleviating the "peer pressure" that occurs in discussions.
The "CO" in "CO-MAP" means "co" in English.
This is a map that recognizes and respects each other's characteristics and builds a relationship of cooperating and coordinating toward common discussions on an equal footing. It also has "coma" in its name.