MEET Video Explorer (MVE) is a video search support system, which uses tablet PCs and was developed with a view to utilizing videos, such as documentaries aired on public broadcasting networks and then stored, for problem-based learning activities in higher education. MVE is software, which was developed at the Microsoft chair of Educational Environment and Technology(MEET), the University of Tokyo, Japan, where I worked from April 2006 to March 2008. (more detail, see ), that supports individual learners in forming their own interests by exploratory searching and viewing program videos in “NHK Archives”, a broadcast video archive of Japan Broadcasting Organization, and by structuralizing relationships among videos

This application software has the keyword search function, a video viewer, a concept mapping tool with a color pallet to visualize the relation of selected clips,  for these clips to navigate users to explorer the area of interest or issue domain, and generate a multimedia map. This application was developed specifically in order to search for TV programs.

TV broadcasting and archives have been capturing society and culture over generations from various perspectives by reflecting situations during each era to add a fresh dimension. From this insight, MEET aims at creating a system to focus attention to the close intersection of society, culture, and the areas of students’ research interests. The formative evaluation will be performed during experiment classes using the software to validate its effectiveness.


  • Yuhei Yamauchi (Principal Investigator, Director, Concept making): Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo
  • Toshio Mochizuki (Assistant Director for System Development): School of Network and Information, Senshu University /  Microsoft chair of Educational Environment and Technology, Center for R&D of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo
  • Toshihisa Nishimori (Assistant Director for Contents Management, Field Coordinator): Komaba Organization for Educational Development, College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
  • Mio Tsubakimoto (Evaluation): Microsoft chair of Educational Environment and Technology, Center for R&D of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo
  • Hiroki Oura (Project Coordinator): Microsoft chair of Educational Environment and Technology, Center for R&D of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo
  • Manabu Ehara (Project Coordinator): The Copyrights & Archives Center, Japan Broadcasting Corporation
  • Hisashi Matsuse (Project Coordinator): The Copyrights & Archives Center, Japan Broadcasting Corporation

Reference in English

  • Nishimori, T., Yamauchi, Y., Mochizuki, T., Hisamatsu, S. & Nakahara, J. (2008). MEET Video Explorer: Development of Exploratory Learning Support System for Public Broadcasting Videos and its Formative Evaluation. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008 (pp. 5679-5683). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.